The best medical advice in Auckland

Good medical advice regarding your whole body health is hard to come by these days. With the prevalence of internet forums, littered with misdiagnosis and outdated information, it pays to have expert medical advice from a qualified source. When not in surgery, David Moss offers specialised medical advice, tailored around your specific situation, family history and any assessment that has been made regarding your symptoms. Affordable and practical, we seek to provide informed medical advice to ensure you have a better understanding of your situation and symptoms so you can make the best choice for your health. Invest in your health with come expert medical advice, so that you can make informed and accurate choices.
Prescriptions and referrals

A quick referral

While many general conditions may not require you to see anyone else, sometimes it pays to have more specialised medical advice regarding your symptoms and condition. If we can’t help you with your specific issue, we can issue a quick and timely referral to one of our many local contacts, surgeons, or specialists. David will send the referral right away, so if your conditioning is especially pressing, you can rest assured we have done our bit to get you on the track to perfect health.
Call David Moss for honest, informed medical advice: 021 110 4058
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